5 All About Me Books for Toddlers that Embody Self-Love

Looking for a way to help your preschoolers learn about themselves and build self-confidence? Then check out some all about me books! These fun and engaging books can help teach your little ones about their likes, dislikes, family, friends, and more. Plus, they’re a great way to start building a library of personal stories that your child can look back on and cherish as they grow up. So if you’re ready to learn all about your preschoolers, be sure to check out all about me books for toddlers!

All about me and my family books include The Great Big Book of Families by Mary Hoffman, Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish by Beth Ferry, I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont, and Marvelous Me by Lisa Bullard.

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Me & My Family Lesson Plans

I am Enough

by Grace Byers

I Am Enough by Grace Byers is the perfect way to introduce your All About Me theme. This lyrical book joyfully encourages children to love themselves and embrace their differences. Bright, inspiring, and a positive way to start your week!


The Great big book of families

by Mary Hoffman

Every single family is different, and it’s important that we as teachers point that out. Not only do we have different family members that live in our homes, but we also have different traditions. We live in different types of homes, have different pets, get to school in different ways, and the list goes on. 

There is no one-size-fits-all to families, and this is the book to show it! Grab your copy of The Great Big Book of Families by Mary Hoffman today!


Ten rules of the birthday wish

by Beth Ferry

The animal characters in Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish take the reader on a joyous flight through birthday celebrations, establishing ten important rules for making a wish along the way. It must be your birthday, there must be a delicious treat, and you must close your eyes as you blow out a flame. Such a fun All About Me book to get your preschoolers talking about their special day!


Plus, this all about me book pairs perfectly with our birthday literacy center and birthday math center!


i like mysefl by karen beaumont

All About Me Books for Toddlers

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont teaches children the power of self-confidence through rhymes about a little girl who’s got it figured out – loving yourself is amazing! She likes everything about herself, including the things that other people may not like such as her beaver breath. 


The illustrations in this book remind me of the imagination in Dr. Seuss’s books, with crazy inventions and silly imaginings. No matter where she goes or what mood she is in, she likes herself and knows that what other people think doesn’t define her.


Marvelous me

by Lisa Bullard

In Marvelous Me by Lisa Bullard, there’s one superhero you don’t know – it’s the boy in this story! His body can do amazing things, his brain knows amazing facts, and he loves things like knock-knock jokes and polar bears. There’s no one else like him, not even his twin brother, and that’s what makes him marvelous.


We love this as one of our all about me books for toddlers because it shows our kids that they can all be the superheroes of their own stories!


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5 All About Me Books for Toddlers that Embody Self-Love

All about me books for toddlers are a great way to introduce preschoolers to themselves, different types of families, and what makes them special. It can be difficult to find just the right book for your child, but with this list of all about me books for preschoolers, you’re sure to find one that they’ll love. These books make wonderful additions to your classroom library. So start building your all about me library today!

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