5 Transportation Art Projects to Jump-Start Your Toddler’s Creativity

Nothing “screams the theme” like artwork hanging in the halls made by the kiddos that are sitting right inside your classroom door. These transportation art activities will do just that! Cars, hot air balloons, airplanes, and sailboats represent various transportation types for these art activities. Each activity uses a different form of art to create the final products! Check out our transportation art projects below.

Transportation art activities for kids include hot air balloon spin art, coffee filter sailboat, cloud painting for an airplane, and a car process art painting.

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Transportation Lesson Plans

Weekly transportation lesson plans for the preschool classroom that include transportation books, literacy centers, math centers, airport dramatic play, art, and fine motor activities.

Car Process Art

Transportation Art Projects

Paintings made by driving toy cars dipped in paint on paper as one of our transportation art projects.

Messes are inevitable in a preschool classroom. As a matter of fact, they might as well be listed on a preschool’s teacher job description. If you know, you know. 


I’ve found that toddlers are absolutely thrilled when they feel like they are given permission to “make a mess” on purpose. 


Your little ones’ eyes will light up when you introduce this process art activity. 


For this transportation activity, your preschoolers will use toy cars and dip them in paint. Yes, I said paint!! 


Next up, they’ll cruise the cars across the paper to create a perfectly messy scene!


Cloud painting

Airplane Art for Kids

Flying is one of those things I have a love/hate relationship with. I love traveling but dread when that motion sickness kicks in, especially without the slightest chance of getting a barf bag in the turbulent skies. 


But an airplane experience without motion sickness? Yes, please!


This craft was created to help set up your airplane dramatic play center – where your little ones get to pretend that they are ready to take flight. 


Print the airplane windows on blue paper to represent the sky. Then, use cotton balls to paint the clouds you see right outside your seat’s window. 


A scenic view without grossing out a stranger when you have to hurl!


Hot Air Balloon Spin art

Transportation Process Art

Hot air balloons are a unique type of transportation. Not many people can say they have ever ridden in one, but it does appear on lots of people’s bucket lists. A girl can dream, right?!


Bring the hot air balloons to your classroom this year with this fun spin art activity. 


With a salad spinner, paint, and circular paper, you will help your toddlers create the balloon. And let me tell you, spin art is just about as exciting as actually taking off in a hot air balloon. Your kiddos will want to take it for a spin again and again.


After they’re dry, attach a recycled applesauce cup with string to create the basket. 


Ta-da! A unique, hand-crafted hot air balloon can be displayed in your classroom (or your vision board).


Coffee Filter Sailboats

Transportation Art Projects

Sailboat art created using coffee filters and markers. The ocean background is painted with a sauce brush to add texture.

Would you rather teach preschoolers or sail across the ocean?


Sometimes I wish I could have the peace and quiet that a sailor may get while out on the open sea. But I know I would secretly miss the chaos and chatter of a room full of toddlers!


Set sail into a fun art project with these coffee filter sailboats. Use markers to design the sails. Then spray them with water and let the colors bleed into each other like a vibrant ocean sunset.

To add a little something extra, you can use a sauce brush to paint the ocean and add texture to the background!


Transportation directed drawings

Guided Drawings for Kids

Are you ready to teach your preschoolers how to draw things that go? Well, I’ve got good news. 


These transportation directed drawings were created to help you do just that. The step-by-step posters have easy-to-follow directions, so you can just set it on cruise control in the art center.


With this set, you will receive guided drawings that teach you how to draw trains, cars, and helicopters, plus themes for the entire year!


Once you use these directed drawings, your preschoolers’ illustrations will be transformed!


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Transportation art activities for kids.

Use these transportation art projects to jump-start creativity in your classroom. Have fun with the variety of art mediums used to complete each craft. Each project stars a different type of transportation, which will help you round out your transportation theme.

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