Space Books for Preschoolers You’ll Love to Launch Learning

I am a reader. I love discovering a new book that captivates my mind and lets me plunge into a new world. But sometimes, books fall short. We are left wanting more. That very thing happened to me when looking for good kid books about space. But after much persistence, I have found a list of space books for toddlers that help teach them all about  outer space, but in a fun way that can be understood by 3-year-olds. Here are my top 5 space books for preschoolers:

Space books for preschoolers including images of Solar System, Mousetronaut, Astronaut Handbook, and Our Stars.

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Space Lesson plans

Space weekly lesson plans with literacy activities, math activities, science, fine motor, and dramatic play.

Our Stars

By Anne Rockwell

We started off by reading Our Stars by Anne Rockwell, which introduces so much more than just our stars. This book talks about stars, our solar system, constellations, comets, meteors, and more. I love how this author introduces complex topics in a way that children – even our preschoolers – can understand.


Astronaut Handbook

By Meghan McCarthy

Next up we learned a little bit more about astronauts with Astronaut Handbook by Meghan McCarthy. This book explains exactly what it will take to become an astronaut: from school to swimming in a spacesuit and riding on the “Vomit Comet.” I loved learning about space food (which is why we made some for our dramatic play) and the spacesuit.


Hello, World! Solar System

By Jill McDonald

Oh, I cannot say enough good things about this book: Hello, World! Solar System by Jill McDonald. This book was written with the toddler in mind. All of the facts are super simple, which makes this complicated topic easy for our little ones to take in. Also, I love the bold and bright illustrations that accompany this book. 



By Mark Kelly

Mousetronaut by Mark Kelly is the story of a mouse named Meteor who is chosen, despite his small size, to accompany the astronauts in space. Not only is this a huge accomplishment for such a small creature, but he ends up helping the astronauts in a big way! Love the message!


Moon! Earth's Best Friend

By Stacy McAnulty

There is someone who is always by Earth’s side. Earth’s best friend, you could say. And that person is the moon, always shining bright and smiling down on Earth. The book Moon! Earth’s Best Friend explains some fun facts about the moon in such an interesting way! The author’s voice is marvelous, something I’m always looking for in children’s books. I would definitely check this one out!


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I hope this helps you find quality space books for preschoolers that can help them learn about our vast universe. Let me know if there is anything you need. Just contact me here

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