5 Summer Books for Preschoolers That Inspire Bright Days

Is it summer yet? Even though the weather is still a little iffy (we’re talking branch-breaking snow in Colorado), I’m already dreaming of lazy days at the pool, popsicles, and reading fun books with my preschooler. We’ve put together a list of our favorite books that will keep your little ones busy and entertained all summer long. From beach days to camping, we’ve got something for everyone! So get ready to dive into a world of imagination and learning with these must-read summer books for preschoolers.

Summer books for preschoolers including Duck and Goose Go to the Beach by Tad Hills; Summer Song by Kevin Henkes; When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore & Howard McWilliam; and Fred and Ted Go Camping by Peter Eastman.

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Summer Lesson Plans

Summer Weekly Lesson Plans for Preschool

Summer Song

by Kevin Henkes

Through beautiful imagery, this first summer book for preschoolers paints a detailed picture (or song) of summer. Kevin Henkes writes another wonderful season book with Summer Song, in which he describes summer as a green song, a bug song, a gray song, and a blue song. 


Somehow he introduces all of the things of summer (green grass, endless skies at the beach, bugs chirping) in a stunning, yet easy-to-understand way for our toddlers. 


You won’t regret adding this to your summer books for preschoolers list!


When a Dragon Moves in

by Jodi Moore

Our next summer book for kids is When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore. When a boy builds the perfect sandcastle, a dragon moves in. And he is the best pal for helping the boy roast marshmallows and guard his castle from bullies. But this dragon is also the perfect excuse for making fingerprints in all of the brownies and flinging sand at his sister. 


Is the dragon real or is the boy’s imagination running wild during this family beach day?

This book has vibrant illustrations and a fantastically fun storyline to talk about all the things we can do at the beach in the summer. Plus, it encourages our little ones to build the perfect sandcastle in one of our sensory bins this week!


Fred and ted go camping

by Peter Eastman

In our next summer book, Fred and Ted Go Camping by Peter Eastman, two dogs go camping in the woods. As Fred and Ted set up their tents and go fishing, the reader soon realizes that Fred is on the struggle bus when it comes to the outdoors. Everything that is easy for Ted is difficult for Fred. He has trouble setting up his tent, falling asleep, and going fishing, while it’s the opposite for Ted. 


But even though things start out “ruff” for Fred, the two dogs work as a team to find food and have a great camping trip. 


You have to check out this opposite book that tells such a fun summer tale!


When grandma gives you a lemon tree

by Jamie Deenihan

Our next summer book for preschoolers is When Grandma Gives You a Lemon Tree by Jamie Deenihan. In this book, a little girl had hoped for some sort of high-tech awesomeness for her birthday, but her grandmother surprised her with a… lemon tree? The little girl courteously feigns excitement until her grandma falls asleep, and she doesn’t even try to ding dong ditch her lemon tree.


After taking care of her lemon tree all winter, they excitedly pick the lemons to make lemonade. Then, the little girl and her grandmother hold a lemonade stand, making plenty of money to buy whatever techy toy she wants from the store. 


But something else catches her eye… Something that can grow joy and friendships.


Duck and goose go the beach

Summer Books for Preschoolers

Our last summer book for preschoolers is Duck & Goose Go to the Beach by Tad Hills. On a summer day, Duck gets a great idea to go on an adventure; however, Goose is perfectly content staying in their meadow. After hiking to new trees and hills, Duck spots the beach


And even though Goose was reluctant to leave their perfect meadow at first, once he gets to the beach, he realizes how magnificent the ocean is. Duck, on the other hand, isn’t enjoying the loud waves and hot sand so much. 

The two friends splash in the ocean, meet the local wildlife, and make a sandcastle. And even though they both end up enjoying their adventure,, they realize there’s no place like their meadow.


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Summer Books We Love

So if you want to get in the summer spirit, be sure to check out these great summer books for preschoolers. From beaches and lemonade stands to camping and green songs, there’s something for everyone in this collection of seasonal stories. And who knows? You might just find yourself getting into the summer groove while reading them aloud to your little one! Are there any other great summer children’s books that we missed?

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