5 Preschool Activities on Winter That Are Snow Much Fun

There’s some sort of magic when it comes to snow. The glittering snowflakes cast a peaceful spell on us and cause us to pause and marvel at the beauty of nature. We just visited the Ice Castles, which are castles made from snow and ice that you can explore. The lights shining on the icicles make you feel like you are walking in a winter dream. Whether you are in an area that has snow or not, it’s fun to create that winter magic in the classroom. Check out these preschool activities on winter that are perfect when it starts to snow. 

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Winter Lesson Plans

Winter weekly lesson plans with literacy activities, math activities, science, fine motor, and dramatic play.

Ice Fishing ABC

Letter Identification Activity

“The shouts of glee as my learners continuously lowered and raised their lines made it apparent just how much enjoyment they were experiencing as they built/reinforced their letter knowledge.” -Deborah


Don’t just take my word for it, this will be the winter center they wait in line for. The one where they shout with glee over how excited and surprised they are when they fish that magnetic letter out of the frozen pond, I mean box. It’s the one where you are high-fiving yourself for setting up an awesome learning experience. 


Yeah, pretty cool. 


And there’s so much learning going on: gross motor skills, letter identification, letter formation, fine motor skills, communication, and turn-taking.


Winter Sequences

Preschool Activities on Winter

🤦🏼‍♀️ When your kiddo puts their boots on before their snow pants and you just stare at them waiting for the realization to hit…but it never does. Whelp! We better practice some sequencing.


And sequencing events is actually more important than you think. I mean, yes, it’s applicable in real-life situations, but it’s actually a higher-order thinking skill that helps kids learn to comprehend and problem-solve


See, if they can understand how to organize information, then ding! It will help them solve problems like putting on your snow gear in a logical order. 


Plus, these winter sequences are just adorable and fun to put in order. Just cut off the cards from the bottom and place them on the spots with the ordinal numbers. 


And if you’re looking for a quick and easy winter STEM challenge, this includes a snowman stacking activity as a bonus!


Winter Cookies

Initial Sound Activity

Something you should never do with children: have a starting contest while they are eating cookies. Especially if you think it’s a good idea to make them laugh. Ha, ha, who’s laughing now? I’m just saying, I only screamed a little bit when the cookies got spewed all over my face.


But don’t worry: these initial sound cookies are spew-free, crumb-free, and the perfect way to practice initial sounds this winter.


To sprinkle in some excitement (see what I did there 😜) with this winter literacy activity, place the cookies on a cookie sheet and add a spatula. Then, your little bakers can identify the beginning sound of the winter-themed word and flip the cookies over to self-check. 


ice Skate ABC

Sensory Writing Practice

Vision of me ice skating: as graceful as Tara Lipinski. Maybe not doing a triple lutz, but a beautiful sight, to say the least. Reality: me shuffling back and forth looking like a clumsy robot, then proceeding to fall on my booty. 


But hey, it’s still fun! And it makes practicing letter formation even more exciting.


We did this two different ways this week. The first time I froze water in one side of our writing tray, which is just a food container with two sections. The kiddos used the paintbrush with the ice skater attached (adorable) to skate the letters. 


The second way we just used salt in our writing tray and practiced writing letters just the same. 


Warning: Don’t use salt and ice together at the same time. It can cause skin burns. 


"A Chubby Little Snowman"

Visual Winter Poem

How many times can I recite this snowman poem at circle time? Enough for the kiddos to start to memorize it, for sure.


So, I just added in some visual cues, so that they could start reading it themselves in the literacy center.


Winter Differences

Visual Discrimination

Last, but not least, we spotted the difference with this preschool activity for winter. 


Just use those visual discrimination skills to figure out which one is different and mark it with a clothespin. 


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MORE Winter Activities

Winter literacy activities with background picture of winter sequences.
Winter Math Activities for Preschool with background image of a hot cocoa sensory bin filled with pinto beans, candy canes, and snap cubes.
Winter Books We Love for Preschoolers with a background picture of a snowbear and two children.

Are you ready for a chill night instead of shoveling around trying to come up with your winter lesson plans? Don’t search for days and spend hours creating highly engaging winter centers that your students will love. This bundle is ready for you to skate through January! Trust me, you’ll be ready to freeze the day when these winter activities are done, so you can enjoy time with your family.

Discover More PRESCHOOL Activities

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